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10 Ways To Crack The IELTS Writing Exam (No Stress!)

10 Ways To Crack The IELTS Writing Exam (No Stress!)

Whether taking the Academic IELTS or the General IELTS, the IELTS writing section tests your ability to present thoughts and ideas coherently and accurately, without grammatical errors.

The IELTS writing task 1 and IELTS writing task 2, to be completed in 60 minutes, are opportunities to showcase your vocabulary and command over the English language. This article explores 10 tips and tricks that will come in handy when preparing for or taking the IELTS writing test.

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  1. Read and understand the question carefully: This is probably the most understated and overlooked tip for IELTS writing tasks. The examiner will take notice of whether you have attempted all parts of the question or not. If you can correctly identify the type of IELTS writing question at hand, you are almost there! 
  1. Use idea maps: After reading the question, you are probably itching to start IELTS writing task 1 or IELTS writing task 2 right away. But hold on! Let’s get your ideas in order first. Take 4-5 minutes to list the main ideas and associated examples. This process will help you write better and more coherently.
  1. Organize and personalize: With the ideas you have mapped out, organize your essay into meaningful parts and begin writing. Use personal and real-life examples relevant to the topic to make your essay relatable and easy to read.
  1. Answer the five Ws and one H: Suppose you have read and understood the question but cannot come up with any good ideas. Try answering the universal what, when, where, who, why, and how. These will help reduce the friction in your mind and get your thoughts moving freely.
  1. Maintain a formal tone but don’t complicate: Using colloquial or informal language in the IELTS writing section is a big no-no. Try to maintain a formal/semi-formal and professional tone, and use academic words that flaunt your vocabulary. But beware, too many big words can make your essay difficult to understand. It’s all about finding the right balance!   

Upward IELTS is an ideal place to begin your IELTS preparation. Our students tell us that the latest IELTS mock tests and IELTS practice tests they attempted at the institute had questions similar to the actual test. Why wait? Contact 0821-962-5450 today!

  1. Use paragraphs, not bullets: For the essay, begin with an introductory paragraph, followed by two or three paras for the main body, and finish with a logical conclusion. When writing the IELTS task 1, start with an introduction and an overview. Next, mention the specific trends in two paragraphs. This task does not require a conclusion.
  1. There are no wrong answers: The examiner will grade your writing for the expression of thoughts and the correctness of the language. Naturally, no answers are wrong or right, only correct. Spell the words right and use punctuation appropriately. And don’t forget about singular and plural verbs. 
  1. Stick to the word limit: If the IELTS writing task 1 asks for 150 words and the IELTS writing task 2 requires 250 words, try to finish them within that range or a little above (+10-20 words). Writing lesser words will cost you marks.
  1. No repetition please: The examiner will score your IELTS writing based on task completion, punctuation, spelling, vocabulary, grammatical accuracy and 
  1. Calm down: Most of all, remember to breathe and relax. No good thing ever comes with stress. The calmer your mind, the more ideas you get, and the better you will write.

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